
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — For the first time, THON will extend its reach to Florence, Italy, 欧博体育官网的海外留学生将尽自己的一份力量,帮助改善受儿童癌症影响的家庭的生活. 而700多名学生则在位于大学公园的欧博体育官网布莱斯乔丹中心度过了46个小时, 另一组人将在萨拉达梅(Sala D 'Arme)聚集在一起摇晃4个小时, Palazzo Vecchio in Florence.

THON is set for Feb. 21-23,而佛罗伦萨儿童舞蹈将于下午3点至7点举行.m. on Feb. 22.

举办一场活动来支持欧博体育官网学生慈善事业的想法是受到一辆出租车的启发. Robin G. Yaure, professor of teaching, 人类发展和家庭研究的教授, was teaching in Italy in the summer of 2018. This summer will mark her 11th doing so.

Dance for the Kids logo

Dance for the Kids logo

Credit: Penn State

Yaure说她被Zia Caterina的演讲感动了, whose partner, Stefano, a Florence taxi driver, died of cancer in 2001. He left Caterina his taxi, 她用这辆车免费载着年轻的癌症患者和他们的家人去医院和其他地方. 她还在医院提供娱乐节目,并为他们筹集资金. 那些搭乘她的“米兰25号”出租车的人,可以在车费中为儿童捐款.

Caterina was told about THON, 把这样一个活动带到意大利的想法开始渗透,” said Yaure, 他补充说,从一开始,有爱心的出租车司机就一直是规划过程的一部分. In fact, 她经营的慈善机构米兰25 ONG与佛罗伦萨国际研究学院(ISI Florence)合作,计划举办首届佛罗伦萨儿童舞会.

ISI成立于2001年,是一个独立的私人教育机构,作为美国在佛罗伦萨的教育中心. 四年后,它创建了公立大学联盟,欧博体育官网是其中的一员.

Funds from the Feb. 22支舞将捐给卡特琳娜的组织和特伦托质子治疗中心, where young patients are offered new treatments for cancer.

Yaure said students from London, 西班牙和罗马在从朋友和社交媒体上得知这个消息后,表达了参加佛罗伦萨马拉松的兴趣. 她说,已经有30名学生报名参加在意大利举行的thon式活动, particularly with the social networking side of it.

当他们在遥远的地方拥有改变人生的经历时, 许多在国外留学的欧博体育官网学生表示,他们怀念校园里发生的所有事件, said Yaure. 在佛罗伦萨举办一场筹款舞会是让他们感受家乡味道的一种方式.

当参与者聚集在宫殿时,您将在场, dating to the 14th or 15th century, which serves as the seat of city government there. 她希望附近的广场上甚至会有快闪族.


“We’re winging it at this point,” she said with a laugh, adding that one of her colleagues, Robyn Chotiner, adjunct professor of psychology at PSUMA, has been extremely helpful.

Ultimately, 你希望《欧博官网app下载》能延续THON的盛世, which began in the late 1970s.

“That would be my dream, to see it go on,” she said.


Back at University Park, 16个委员会的学生专门从事THON全年活动的规划、后勤和执行的不同领域, fundraising and events, including THON weekend, said Dan Mele, public-relations director for this year’s THON. 在这46个小时的活动中,有许多是舞台表演, inspirational speakers, 癌症儿童展示他们的才华和时尚感, 以及欧博体育官网的运动员们展示他们最好的舞蹈动作的赛前动员大会.

"I THON so every cub can become a Nittany Lion.”

—Keighley Taylor, senior, Penn State Mont Alto

Together, the committee and organization members total more than 16,500 student volunteers from many of Penn State’s campuses, including Penn State Mont Alto. 全国各地的志愿者和支持者全年都会参加各种活动, such as the THON 5K, Harvest Day, 100 Days ’Til Thon and a family carnival.

This year, 60多名学生将代表欧博体育官网蒙奥图参加马拉松, four of whom will be dancing, said Donna Rhodes, coordinator of student activities and program development at Mont Alto. 舞池里的是高年级学生柯尔斯顿·特切克和麦迪逊·雪莉, and sophomores Jacob Zeigler and Adrian Casey. Some of them expressed their motivation for participating.


“I THON to make a difference, spread hope, 帮助儿童和他们的家庭战胜癌症,” Zeigler said.

“我想让孩子们有机会追随自己的梦想,”雪莉说. "Fighting cancer can be a difficult battle to win. 我们可以试着给他们的世界带来一些光明,让事情变得容易一些.”

Those who aren’t on the dance floor will be supporters, taking shifts of six hours on, six hours off to sleep and keep up the grooving morale. 在这些支持者中,有蒙特奥拓资深高管、总董事长基斯利•泰勒(Keighley Taylor).

泰勒说:“我希望每个孩子都能像孩子一样,有更多的生日和微笑。. “我希望这些家庭知道,在这场战斗中,他们并不孤单. THON是一个不断成长和相互支持的大家庭. THON is so much more than a dance party. 我们在战斗,团结在一起,希望终结儿童癌症. I THON so every cub can become a Nittany Lion.”

This year, 60多名学生将代表欧博体育官网蒙奥图参加马拉松, four of whom will be dancing.

Since 1977, the massive, yearlong effort has supported 4,并为四钻石公司筹集了超过1.68亿美元, 哪些可以抵消保险不包括的治疗费用, 以及可能影响患癌儿童福利的费用. 该组织使30多个专业护理提供者能够为身体提供服务, mental, 患者及其家属的情感和精神需求.