



MONT ALTO, Pa. — As the tally of conference championships grows and more teams get bids for national playoffs, student-athletes at 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 have their eyes on a bigger prize: academic success.

欧博体育官网 come first,” said Staci Brennan, director of athletics at 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校. “这就是他们来这里的原因, to get an education and either graduate from 蒙特中音 in four years or successfully transition to University Park after two years.”

The importance of excelling in coursework is emphasized during the recruitment process.

布伦南说:“我们现在谈论的是学术界. “我们在学生运动员中强调学生. 我们总是把这个放在他们面前.”

The 蒙特中音 campus follows the academic eligibility guidelines set by the 欧博体育官网体育大会 (PSUAC), 但它对学生的要求更高. 例如, the conference requires student-athletes to maintain a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 1.8 to 2.0, 根据他们完成的学期数, 但布伦南表示,蒙特奥拓的目标是让每个运动员和团队都得到3分.平均绩点0或更高.

今年, that goal was met by many of the 125 athletes who take part in the 12 varsity sports offered at 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校.

2019年秋季学期结束时, 蒙奥图学生运动员的累计平均绩点为3分.11, with 47 student-athletes named to the dean’s list for achieving a grade point average of 3.5或以上. 68%的学生运动员得了3分.平均成绩不低于0分, 在过去的五个学期里, 体育系的累计平均绩点达到或超过3分.0,布伦南说.

“对我来说,保持这些数字很重要,”布伦南说.  “These numbers show the commitment they have to their academics; it shows that they’re disciplined, 他们优先考虑他们的学业.”


欧博体育官网蒙阿尔托分校的学生运动员不仅在他们的运动项目上受到指导。, 还有他们的学术. 事实上, 蒙特中音 is the only Penn State Commonwealth Campus that employs an academic coach specifically for student-athletes.

Alex Dunn has been 蒙特中音’s athletics academic success coach since the fall 2019 semester. She monitors athletes’ grades and provides academic counsel when they experience obstacles or struggles, 包括向导师或学习专家推荐, 并帮助他们制定学业恢复计划. 她还担任教师和教练之间的联络人.

“大学对任何一个普通学生来说都是一个过渡,”邓恩说. “工作量方面出现了新的挑战, 时间管理, 压力管理, 新的责任, 增长, 等., 对于每一个学生, 但后来, those who are involved in athletics experience that to an even more intense degree because they’re balancing multiple roles. 我努力强调和帮助他们,主要是在他们身份的“学生”方面.”

为学生运动员提供的其他支持包括团队自习室, the conditions of which are established by the athletic coaches; class excuse forms for athletic events; and first-year experience seminars. 学校为所有学生提供学术支持中心.

教职员工可以使用一个名为“海星”的项目, 哪些文件和跟踪学生的建议笔记和进度报告. 教师 members can provide feedback on student performance in their courses through raising either “kudos” or “flags,邓恩说. 当为学生运动员升旗时, 立即通知布伦南, 她和教练和邓恩都很合拍, who contacts the student to encourage a meeting to discuss challenges the student-athlete is facing and create a plan for helping them move forward.

邓恩说:“这种沟通方式非常可靠. “我们期望他们能在课堂上茁壮成长, 无论是在球场上还是在球场上, 就像我们有体育教练帮助他们在球场上取得成功一样, 我们有一个教练来帮助他们在课堂上取得成功.”


对于那些致力于学术和体育的人, 成功的关键是组织和优先排序.

“每天,我都问自己,‘今天最重要的是什么?“有一天, 可能是交论文, 但另一天, 它可能专注于一款游戏,足球运动员麦迪逊·雪莉说, 21, 谁主修企业管理和市场营销. “只要我能完成所有的工作, 通常更容易放松,去参加其他活动, 比如THON或校内活动.”

大四,累积绩点3分.68岁,连续五个学期都在院长名单上. 她也因在该领域的工作而受到称赞, being named to the 欧博体育官网体育大会 (PSUAC) Honorable Mention Team last season and chosen as PSUAC player of the week in September 2019. She was dubbed a United States Collegiate Athletic Association (USCAA) All-American after her junior season.

“我有一个计划表,里面写满了不同的时间表, 有时它们甚至是颜色协调的,雪莉说, 的Biglerville, 宾西法尼亚. “条理性对我来说非常重要,因为如果我没有条理性,, 我会迷失在其他所有的承诺中. 我尽量平衡我的学业和其他活动.”

For junior Joseph Wunsch, 20, missing classes for baseball games on the road can be difficult.

“当你自驾游时, 你旷课了, 你的学年越高, 类就变得越重要,温施说, 人类发展和家庭研究专业.

多佛尔河, 特拉华州, Native说,大多数教授在在线课程管理系统上发布幻灯片, 他怀念网上没有的课堂体验和讨论.

温施在2019年秋季入选了院长名单,并入选了PSUAC全学术团队. He has received assistance in the past from an academic coach and the Academic Support Center for papers and speeches; he said the guidance they provided gave him confidence that he can do well on his own.

As a member of the cross-country team, sophomore Madison Ford, 20, is used to being on the run. The health policy and administration major doesn’t want to fall behind in her schooling any more than she wants to lag in a race.

“学习如何组织我的日程安排帮助我保持在正轨上,福特说。, 的费耶特维尔, 宾西法尼亚, 谁在她大一的第一个学期上了院长的名单, 并获得了学术大会奖和学术团体奖.

布什达, 18, quickly learned that college is much different than high school in terms of workload.

的大一新生, 谁主修欧博官网app下载科学技术, said he didn’t have to study as much after practice when he was a student at Spring Mills High School in Martinsburg, 西维吉尼亚州, 就像他现在做的那样.

“Basketball takes a toll on your body and being motivated to study is something I have a problem with,布什说. “Having practice every day and games every other day makes you just ask for a break. Seems like for five to six months, all you are doing is studying and playing basketball.”

Despite the adjustment, he made the dean’s list his first semester at 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校.

“我平衡轻重缓急的方式, 篮球和生活一样,每一天都要努力做好每一件事,布什说.


“他们都希望每个人都能成功. They will let you know when you are off track and will have answers to pretty much any school-related questions,布什说.

“他们总是说学位比篮球和篮筐更重要,布什说, something he tries to keep in mind so that he stays on top of his game on and off the court.


The commitment that 蒙特中音 student-athletes have for their sports is reflected in their top-notch performances. Many of 蒙特中音’s intercollegiate programs/teams qualify for conference playoffs, have won conference championships in the past several years and advanced to national championship tournaments.

In 2016, 布伦南在蒙特阿尔托的第一年, 高尔夫球, 女性的越野, 棒球队赢得了分区冠军, and the baseball team received an automatic bid to advance to the national championship. 去年, the men’s basketball and baseball teams earned a bid to participate in their respective national tournaments.

今年, 三个秋季队——男子足球队, 女子足球和女子排球——获得分区季后赛资格. 这个冬天, the women’s basketball teams qualified for post-season play and the men’s basketball team won the PSUAC conference championship and received an automatic bid to participate in the national tournament. The wrestling team won their regional championship and eight members of the wrestling team qualified for nationals that was held in Texas over the spring break.

有关欧博体育官网蒙奥图分校体育运动的更多欧博官网app下载,请访问 www.psumontaltoathletics.com. For details about academic support, hit “inside athletics,” then “academic support.”