
从2月6日开始,课程将过渡到常规模式. 15 following remote period; students must complete COVID-19 testing if returning to campus community
Snow falls on Old Main bell

Penn State has decided to delay the start of in-person classes and transition to a fully remote learning environment for the beginning of the spring 2021 semester at all campus locations.

Credit: Curtis Chan

Penn State has decided to delay the start of in-person classes and transition to a fully remote learning environment for the beginning of the spring 2021 semester at all campus locations. This decision was made following extensive analysis and scenario planning given worsening virus conditions nationally and across the state indicating predictions of rising hospitalization rates in the coming weeks.

为学生提供不间断的教育体验, 所有课程将于1月10日开始远程授课. 19 and will continue remotely through Feb. 12. At this time, classes will transition to their regularly scheduled mode and resume across all campus locations on Feb. 15岁,不过这个日期可能会根据健康和安全因素以及国家的指导而改变. As currently scheduled, the 15-week semester will end on April 30, with finals week following from May 3-7.

“虽然我们知道这给我们的社区带来了许多挑战, we are very concerned with the current outlook across the country and the commonwealth and believe this is the most responsible way to begin our semester. Shifting to a remote start has been a scenario we have been preparing for by building flexibility into every level of our operations in order to prioritize our students’ academic achievement,” said Penn State President Eric J. Barron. “目前,患病率和住院率正朝着错误的方向发展. We hope that will change, as we recognize the critical importance of a return to on-campus learning and to being able to offer in-person experiences that are not currently possible. 我们致力于让我们的学生重返校园, 根据州和联邦的指导.”

Following continuous monitoring of national, state and local COVID-19 trends, the decision to shift to a remote start for beginning of the semester was made by Penn State leadership, in consultation with state health officials; faculty experts in epidemiology, infectious disease, medicine and public health; and the Board of Trustees. Delaying the return to campus of students during a nationwide resurgence of cases will help protect both the health and safety of the Penn State and local communities. This delay will allow many front-line healthcare workers to receive a COVID-19 vaccine and help protect these personnel both on and off our campuses.

This decision is also in alignment with the recent health and safety recommendations for higher education institutions from 宾夕法尼亚州的卫生和教育部门.

学生们被强烈劝阻不要返回校园, off-campus locations, and group dwellings (e.g.(公寓和兄弟会)在四个星期的远程期间. However, the University recognizes many students live off campus in the communities surrounding Penn State campuses and must return for work-related reasons and other important circumstances. 2月1日前返回校园社区的校外学生. 其中15种在抵达前需要接受检测. In addition, students in select professional programs will return to their campuses for in-person academic programs. 这些学生将由他们的学术领导联系, 还将被要求在返回校园之前参加COVID-19测试.

Learn more about 所有必须在2月11日之前返回校园社区的学生. 15 need to take 以降低将新的COVID-19病例带入社区的风险.

在远程学习期间,大学将继续对教职员工开放, 然而,目前正在远程办公的员工应该继续这样做, 除非他们的主管指示他们回到校园工作. During the remote learning period, 大学要求所有人发挥创造力,努力在2月6日之前重新安排或提供虚拟活动. 12,包括学生主办的会议和活动.

Penn State's COVID-19 detection and management measures for the spring will be shared early in the new year. The University's plan does include an augmented testing strategy with required testing for all students prior to their arrival, 所有学生在开学前两周内进行入学后测试, 针对学生和校内员工的按需测试, random daily surveillance testing of at least 1.5-2% of the on-campus University population, strategic screening, data monitoring, contact tracing, and quarantine and isolation. In addition, Penn State has received provisionary approval for Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) certification to perform COVID-19 diagnostic testing in the Testing and Surveillance Center (TASC) at University Park beginning this spring, which at the appropriate time, 是否支持增加考试和学生更快的周转时间, faculty and staff.

以下欧博官网app下载提供了一个高层次的概述,以便学生, 教职员工可以开始调整他们的开学计划.

Remote learning and support for students

“Our commitment to our students has not waivered and we are here to support you and ready to deliver the same high-quality education to enable you to move forward with your academic, personal and career goals,” Barron said. “我们知道这对许多人来说仍然是一个充满压力和困难的时期, 如果你需要支持,我们鼓励所有学生欧博体育官网,并获得各种学术支持, engagement, 健康和其他通过我们大学提供的服务.”

To help students meet their educational goals and continue their progress toward their degrees during the remote learning period, 学生将通过灵活的教学模式学习课程, 包括远程同步指令和远程异步指令. 这些灵活的模式提供了与同龄人交流的机会, learn from the same faculty, and experience the same academic curriculum.

作为学生准备的远程学习时期, 欧博体育官网有各种各样的资源可以提供指导和支持. The Keep Learning website offers a starting place for those who have questions or need more information about how to access services on topics ranging from academics and tutoring, engagement, technology support, disability services and more. In addition, there are a variety of virtual wellness, 欧博体育官网所有校区的学生都可以获得心理健康和其他支持资源, including YOU@PSU, WellTrack, virtual fitness programming and more.

Remote teaching

In preparation for spring, faculty and instructors have already prepared remote teaching plans for their courses in the event of a shift to remote learning. Leading up to January, faculty and instructors should continue to refine their course plans and syllabi for remote teaching and make adjustments as appropriate to transition any in-person activities and requirements to later in the semester.


Guidance for employees

目前正在远程工作的员工应该在远程学习期间继续这样做, unless notified by their supervisor. In addition, supervisors will work with their staff to accommodate telecommuting for staff members whose responsibilities can be accomplished outside of a University office and/or traditional work schedule. 员工应该与他们的主管和人力资源部门讨论他们的远程办公选择.

On-campus research-related activities will continue to operate according to their established safety procedures.


COVID testing during the remote learning period

Penn State will continue to offer COVID testing for students living on- and off-campus in campus communities during the remote learning period, 以及出现在“重返工作”数据库中的在校员工. 每个校区的考试时间和地点的具体欧博官网app下载将与学生共享, faculty and staff in January.

Housing during the remote period


  • Residence halls and campus dining facilities will not be reopened for normal operation during the remote-learning period (beyond the facilities that are already in use). Students who live on campus should not come back to campus to collect belongs during the remote period. 为需要取回重要物品的学生准备, 视情况而定,可作出临时进入的安排, please contact their campus Housing office.
  • Students remaining on campus during winter break: For students, 包括在寒假期间住在校园里的国际学生, the University will work with you on an individual basis to make special visit or housing arrangements if needed through the remote learning period. Students should contact their campus Housing office.
  • 偏远地区需要住宿的学生: Students, including international students, who cannot make alternative housing arrangements and must return to campus during the remote learning period due to extenuating and/or compelling circumstances, the University will work with you on an individual basis to make special visit or housing arrangements. Students should contact their campus Housing office.

In the coming weeks, planning for the return to campus will continue to move forward and additional details about Penn State's plans for the spring will be forthcoming. Updates will be shared on Penn State News and Penn State’s Virus Information website. 个人也可以拨打COVID-19应对中心的电话 814-865-2121 for specific questions.