All Penn State students must have a COVID-19 test on file with the University

To get started, students should visit the ‘Know Your Status’ Portal

作为学校春季学期综合测试策略的一部分, 所有欧博体育官网的学生在返回之前或已经住在校园社区的学生必须满足COVID-19检测的要求.


UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — As part of the University’s comprehensive testing strategy for the spring semester, 所有欧博体育官网的学生在返回之前或已经住在校园社区的学生必须满足COVID-19检测的要求. 在完成测试过程之前,未完成要求的学生将无法搬进校内住房和/或参加校内活动. Self-test kits will be provided to students at no cost.

To get started, all students should first log in to the “Know Your Status” portal 和 check their test status. 为 help with planning, students also can use the COVID-19 Testing Requirements Checklist.

All students must either:

  • Receive a negative result from a University-provided Vault Health mail-in COVID-19 test; negative test results from other sources will not be accepted (students do not need to upload their negative test results to the portal); or
  • 在过去90天内是否有大学测试的阳性结果, including Penn State fall departure or walk-up testing (students do not need to upload test results to the portal); or
  • 上传 批准 a third-party positive test result from within the last 90 days (the result must be from a PCR test; rapid antigen tests 和 antibody tests will not be accepted).

校方继续敦促学生将返回校园社区的时间推迟到2月11日开始的面对面课程. 15 unless it is necessary for work, academic-program-specific reasons or other important circumstances.

How do I know if I need to take a COVID-19 test?

All students are required to log in to the “Know Your Status” portal to make sure they have completed the testing requirement. 大学要求学生在预定返校后72小时内提交考试成绩.

The following provides guidance for certain groups; however, students also can contact the COVID-19 Response Center at 814-865-2121 with specific questions about testing or the portal.

  • 学生, including graduate students, 在寒假期间留在校园社区或提前返回的国际和校外学生都需要参加.
  • 在最近90天内,在校本科生和研究生在校内进行的无头检测中检测结果呈阳性的, including over the winter break, must still check their test status in the Know Your Status portal, but do not need to complete testing.
  • 所有居住在欧博体育官网校园20英里范围内的远程或在线课程的学生以及居住在中心县的所有学生都必须参加. 
  • 所有居住在欧博体育官网校园20英里范围内的世界校园学生都必须参加.
  • 学生 who have an approved internship, 临床, practicum or other in-person learning experience are required to participate.
  • 截至1月. 26, 2021, individuals who are traveling to the United States from abroad will be required to show a negative COVID-19 test -在出发后72小时内完成-然后被允许登上飞往美国的飞机. 国际学生在到达校园或校园社区时也需要完成欧博体育官网的COVID-19测试.
  • 接种了COVID-19疫苗的学生仍然需要参加今年春天的大学测试项目.

Testing timeline for students:

学生应该使用下面的时间轴指示向后数,并确定他们需要完成每一步的日期. Please plan accordingly to avoid shipping delays, for example due to potential inclement winter weather.


在你计划到达前21天,或者如果你已经在你的校园社区: 登录 “Know Your Status” Portal 开始吧.

  • Know Your Status can also be accessed on the Penn State Go app, which is available to download in the Google Play商店苹果应用商店.
  • Log in with your Penn State Access Account to check your “test status” 和 track your progress through the testing process; the University also will be able to track your progress.
  • You need to complete a University-provided COVID-19 test before you return, 除非你在门户网站上记录了过去90天的新冠病毒阳性检测结果. 您也可以上传最近90天内第三方PCR检测的阳性结果.  
  • 记住, 订购和完成测试的时间将根据每个学生的计划而有所不同.


14 days (at least) before: Order your at-home test kit

  • Vault Health will mail your test kit to your current place of residence, 以及与Vault Health代表虚拟完成测试的详细说明.


五天前: 参加考试,并在你计划返回校园前五天寄回. A pre-paid UPS expedited shipping label is included (do not use the U.S. 邮政服务).

  • 在测试前后的几天内,您应该采取额外的预防措施. As much as possible, limit your interactions with others to only the essentials. 
  • Don't eat, drink or chew gum for 30 minutes prior to taking your test.
  • Take your test in a Zoom meeting with a Vault Health representative.


三天前: 学生应在检测结果到达实验室后72小时内收到Vault Health的检测结果. Test results will be automatically uploaded to the University’s portal.

  • If your test result is positive: Isolate at home 和 do not return to campus or your campus community. 欧博体育官网的接触追踪者将与您联系,为您提供隔离时间方面的支持和指导.
  • If your test result is negative: 继续限制与家庭以外的人的接触,并在前往校园社区或住在校园社区期间采取健康和安全预防措施.


Get ready for arrival: 学生 must be able to check off the following: 

  • 您已经再次检查了Know Your Status门户,确认您已经完成了测试要求.
  • 在您抵达之前和入住校内或校外住房之前,您已经自我隔离了至少七天. 
  • You are complying with travel requirements. 大学的测试计划将使完成测试的学生满足宾夕法尼亚州的旅行要求.
  • You are not COVID-19 positive, do not have symptoms of COVID-19, 和 have not been in close contact with someone who has tested positive or is suspected of having COVID-19; if you are or have been, do not return to campus or your Penn State campus community.

Frequently asked questions:

The following are top questions about testing requirements from students. 为 additional FAQs about testing, visit Penn State’s Virus Information site.

学生 also can contact the COVID-19 Response Center at 814-865-2121 with specific questions about testing or the portal. 员工欧博官网app下载,包括常见问题,可在 Penn State's Virus Information site.