Judicial Affairs and Community Standards - Student Rights

欧博体育官网有明确的行为标准来保护大学社区成员的权利. 这些标准载于现行《欧博体育官网》所载的《欧博体育官网》文件中. 司法事务办公室负责在涉嫌违反学生行为准则的情况下为学生进行大学司法诉讼.

《欧博体育官网》不能取代或减轻民事或刑事法律的任何要求. 这意味着受害者可以向司法事务办公室提出申诉,也可以提出刑事或民事申诉. 鼓励受害者向校内或校外的有关当局举报违法行为.

司法事务厅致力于其所有社区成员的安全和福祉. We strive to create an environment that is free of acts of violence, harassment, and infringement of rights of privacy and property. 司法事务办公室是大学社区中帮助学生的众多服务办公室之一, whether an accused student or victim of an incident. As a staff, we will support students by assisting them in identifying resources which, based on personal needs, will further support them throughout the disciplinary process.

Accused Student Rights

Students who are accused of a violation have rights. 不假设口头或书面报告是准确的或对行为的准确描述. Because of this, 司法事务的工作人员将会见每一个被指控违反学生行为准则的学生. 在纪律会议期间,学生和工作人员将讨论被指控的违规行为. 纪律处分过程的很大一部分涉及事实调查和学生对不当行为指控作出回应的机会. 司法事务将提供一个机会,让这一切发生在一个尊重, equitable and expeditious manner.


  • Discuss the incident with Judicial Affairs staff member or designee.
  • 应在聆讯前至少五(5)个工作日以书面形式告知所有指控.
  • 放弃五(5)天的通知,并在收到指控后进行听证会.
  • Not testify or answer questions.
  • Be assisted by an advisor as arranged by the student (administrative, faculty or student member of the University community.)
  • Question witnesses that appear in person or by telephone at any hearing.
  • Present witnesses of fact.
  • Review available evidence and documentation prior to a hearing.
  • 不公开聆讯及要求聆讯向大学社区成员开放的权利.
  • Not appear at a hearing unless directed to do so; however, the hearing will proceed without prejudice.
  • 将聆讯录音(除非同案被告拒绝)或拒绝聆讯录音.
  • Appeal a Univeristy Hearing Board Decision based on the following reasons:
  • 学生被剥夺了他/她的权利和/或没有遵循规定的程序,从而影响了听证结果.
  • 在最初的听证会期间没有提供的新证据被提出,这些证据与确定他/她可能不对任何不当行为负责有关.
  • 所施加的制裁超出了大学对此类违规行为的制裁范围,并且/或不符合违法行为的性质. 
  • A written report and summary of the hearing including findings and sanctions.

Victim Rights

A victim does not have to be a member of the University community. Guests or visitors may also be victims. When an incident occurs off-campus, even if the victim is not a member of the University community, 受害人有权向司法事务办公室提出申诉. 这是可能的,当行为被认为有实质性的大学利益, or in other words, the student is likely to endanger others, repeat the behavior, or interfere with the educational process and operation of the University.

大多数违反行为准则的行为都涉及到潜在的受害者,所以下面的列表并没有涵盖所有的可能性. The most common offenses against others are:

  • Endangering Others
  • Harassment
  • Stalking
  • Threats
  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse and/or assault
  • Theft or damage of property
  • Other offenses that violate rights to privacy or that could lead to violence.


  • 在整个纪律过程中,有一名来自校内或校外的受害者/证人辩护人协助. The Advocate may assist in the following ways:
    • Provide emotional support
    • 根据需要安排其他服务,如咨询、医疗等.
    • Be with the victim at the hearing and, if needed, raise objections and advise the victim on questions.
    • Assist in preparing a victim impact statement.
  • 立即向被告发出行政指令,禁止他/她以任何方式联系受害者,包括通过朋友或熟人. If this is violated, 被告可立即与该机构分离(临时驱逐)。.
  • 如果被告是室友或住在宿舍里离受害者很近并且威胁是一个考虑因素, arrangements can be made to find a new room for the victim or, in some cases, 被告可能会被要求转移并禁止访问特定的大厅或校园区域.
  • To be informed of the outcome of the discipline process.
  • In the event of a hearing, the victim also has these rights:
    • To have unrelated past behavior excluded from the hearing.
    • 选择参加整个听证会或只参加她/他的证词.
    • The opportunity to testify with special accommodations: i.e. 通过电话,在屏幕后面,在她/他选择的其他地点进行视频电话会议等.
    • To have an advocate from on or off-campus
    • To have no direct contact with the accused student: i.e. questions from the accused student would be posed through a third party (i.e. the chairperson) and then relayed to the victim.
    • 在听证会前或听证会期间向主持人提出问题的选择,主持人可以将这些问题纳入对被告学生的质询.
    • 提供受害者影响陈述的权利只有在被指控的学生被发现负有责任的情况下才会由董事会审查. The impact statement may be considered before the board determines a sanction.
    • 如果她/他需要休息或希望与辩护人或主席协商,在听证会期间有机会要求休庭.
    • In the instance of a University Hearing Board Hearing, 可选择以下列理由之一对聆讯委员会的决定提出上诉:
      • Stated procedures were not followed that affected the hearing outcome
      • 在最初的听证会期间没有提供的新证据被提出,这些欧博官网app下载与确定被告学生可能对任何不当行为负责有关
      • 所施加的制裁超出了大学对此类违规行为的制裁范围,并且/或不符合违法行为的性质.
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